Thursday 4 December 2014

What's your purpose?

Most people who are succeeding in their life’s purpose today didn’t know what that purpose was from the get-go. Not everyone is like Joseph in the Bible who dreamt of his purpose years before it came to pass. Most people stumbled into theirs either through decisions they took or an experience which they had no prior knowledge of or any control over. Mistakes and sin can lead you to your purpose when you repent and hand your life over to God. Saul for instance, didn’t know His purpose was to preach Jesus in the same places where He persecuted those who worshipped Jesus.

When you find what you are passionate about…there you will find your purpose. Your passion is what you can do effortlessly, tirelessly...whether you get paid for it or not. It is what you enjoy doing…what gives you joy and peace. One major thing about purpose is that you do not struggle in it. When you are functioning in your area of natural ability…there is a grace that comes with it. Your ultimate goal should be to make your purpose your full-time job.

I wanted to become a doctor from when I was in high school. I studied Biological Sciences in the University as a result. However, during a self-prescribed year-long holiday after my graduation, I began to realize that I wasn’t really passionate about studying medicine. Could I have become a doctor? Yes…I was smart enough and did well in the required subjects. Would I have been fulfilled if I had become one? Based on what I know now, I’d say "definitely not!" There were moments where I would sit and regret my decision not to pursue a career in medicine…I’m sure we all go through moments like that. However, I have realized that I cannot maximize my potential if I am not doing what I am passionate about.

This is meant to motivate someone. See your purpose as part of the light that you carry. Don't hide that light under a bushel.

If you know what your purpose is…you must not give up on it. Take baby steps before you begin to take giant strides. If it lies in music…join your church choir, take voice lessons to improve your vocal skills. If writing is your thing, you can begin by starting a blog…you never know who would be encouraged by your words or which big-time publisher could stumble on your work and approach you to publish a book. Maybe like me, you didn’t study what you actually should have, in school. Well, it is not too late…you can get another degree.  If you’re about to enter the University, don’t think in terms of what degree will bring you quick cash…money doesn’t equate contentment and fulfillment. Ask yourself “what subject am I really passionate about?” Realize that you only have one chance to live on earth…don’t waste it doing what your heart isn’t committed to. You made mistakes? Well, God is a God of second chances, thirds, can always begin again in Him.

Maybe you're already doing what you love but the rewards don’t seem to be coming. Let me still encourage you – don’t give up. Keep working at it…be innovative…strive for excellence. Believe in that purpose. Above all, keep God at the center of it. Use your purpose to glorify Him. Be faithful and steadfast and God will bless the work of your hands. Remember that God rewards faithfulness. Read the parable of the talents in Matthew 25.

If you haven’t discovered your purpose…do not be anxious. Rather ask God to reveal it to you. That’s what I did and it worked for me…it will work for you too as God is no respecter of persons. Get close to God and He will show you what He has placed you on earth to do.

Rephrasing a quote from the late Myles Munroe…the greatest tragedy is a life without purpose.





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