Wednesday 20 January 2016



Anyone remember that dope song with the dopest beat "We Need A Resolution" by Aaliyah (of blessed memory)? I really loved that song.

Well, it had been playing in my head for a whole day some time last week. Strange and random right?...

I think Not.

Its a new year and everywhere is agog with resolutions.
To quit a bad habit, make big money, buy a house, pursue that dream, marry that hot chic in Church, date that foine man at work...LOL, lose weight, drink less Coke etc. These are just some of the resolutions people make whenever a year begins.

There was a time in my life when I didn't joke with new year resolutions. Year in, year out I would decide to do or not to do something. A few years ago however, I stopped making them. I stopped because I realized that resolutions just weren't cutting it.

Instead, I started a habit of goal setting. I've been doing that for three years and it's kept me on the right path of purpose.

Here's my formula: I set one major goal for the year. Then draw up monthly plans that are all tailored towards achieving it. I write down everything I need to do to work my plans in order to achieve my goal.

That's my yearly beat and it's been working for me. It's been more effective than resolutions.

And when things don't go according to plan, I see it as divine intervention because I only know in part. You see, God's plan and purpose for me is sovereign and sure than all the plans I could ever have for myself. And I have faith in His plan. Every time I felt a setback in my journey to attaining my goal, it was simply a redirection.

So I ask: do we really need a resolution? Me thinks not! 

 We need concrete goals and plans and we need to take action!

But I still love that song though.

Have a vision-full 2016!

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