Friday 27 February 2015

Single and searching?...

That his lips smile at you doesn't mean you make his heart smile
Because he gives you things doesn't mean he wants to give you his heart.

That she calls you "Dear" doesn't mean you're dear to her.
Because she says you're good looking doesn't mean you're the one she's been looking for.

Attention doesn't always mean affection.
That someone gives you their time, doesn't mean they want you in their life. Sometimes you're just an option because they're bored...and not their first choice. Sometimes...many times, its lust not love.

Don't dive head first, into relationships. Don't get carried away by the excitement of meeting someone new.  Let intuition guide and guard you.

Intuition...the sixth sense...that voice of truth. Listen to it...never ignore it.
It will help you: 1. Discern between when they truly care about you and when they're just being nice. 2. Discover the motive(s) behind their kind behavior. Is it because they want you in their life or because you are simply someone who can be useful to them.

Intuition never fails. I believe it is the offspring of wisdom...with which you can never go wrong.

Keep your intuition receptors activated as you make decisions about relationships. You'll spare yourself whole lot of heartache and way too many headaches!

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